Superschön – very cool 5HE Modular System/Case – by dotcom ist ein totaler Klassiker unter den 5HE Modular-Anbietern, kaum jemand der keine Module von dort hat. Aber auch dort gibt es etwas neues, nämlich absolut scharf aussehende Cases (entschuldigt bitte diesen 80er- Ausdruck) – aber ist doch wahr – Diskussion/drüber reden?
I have never seen a cooler case for 5HE moog sized modulars until now – this one is sooo cool and it is from dotcom, absolutely well known – I even got some of their modules and lots of us got some – with an attractive patch cable holder and handles – the other cases aren’t bad at all but this one is my fav and trust me – if I had none – I’d go for this one: the thought box tb22++

these are systems – so you got THESE modules with it – :
1) Q174 MIDI Interface
1) Q175A MIDI Interface Aid with Arpeggiator, Portamento, Mults
3) Q167 Oscillator (VCO/LFO) with EGs and VCA
1) Q107A Filter (VCF)
1) Q114 Mixer++ 4-Channel and Signal Processing
1) Q157 SH++ Sample&Hold, LFO, Noise, Divider, Slew Limiter, Decay EG
1) Q148 Amplifier (VCA)
1) Q131 Blank-Single
1) Q173 Gate Math
1) Q179 Single/dual Envelopes with 4-Step Sequencer
1) Q960 Moog-Style Sequencer
1) Q962 Moog-Style Sequential Switch
1) Q171 3-Channel Quantizer
plus a bunch of patch chords and psu – at $3700 us. to me this is a modular of love. and it is about the size of a classic moog but more than a model 15 since it has 3 VCOs but still a noise generator and S/H – so this is in fact a real system – no lfos (use a VCO instead) and one ENV might not be enough – but this env is a mini sequencer .. I’d say – 2 envs and 2 vcas and this would be the best with this look – here you might want another envelope generator – maybe not necessarly another VCA.. so tempted by the looks. – for me.
there ARE options – of course EG and LFO are an option here – and the quantizer aid is another. – well this is a fun system to work with, I am sure.
this module seems new – made for the „small“ case noise and s/h in one module to fit in..
Q157 SH++ Module